Authors #
Mathieu Bouchard is Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management. He received his Ph.D. from HEC Montréal. His research focuses on user organizations as a source of social innovation in professional systems.
Luciano Barin Cruz is a Professor of management at HEC Montréal. He is also the Director of the Sustainability Transition and the Director of Pôle Ideos, a Social Impact Hub. He received his PhD from University Jean Moulin Lyon III and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He studies sustainability and social responsibility initiatives, with a particular focus on the process of institutional change and the design and evaluation of social impact strategies.
Steve Maguire is Professor and Fellow of Multidisciplinary Innovation at the University of Sydney Business School. He received his Ph.D. from HEC Montréal. His research focuses on institutional entrepreneurship, technological innovation, and the organizing of risk.
Formating a paper for the web #
Hi ! I am Janette.
Enough was enough! I was slogging through a PDF version of this academic paper, and it felt like my brain was on a wild rollercoaster ride. That’s when I decided, ‘Hey, it’s time to make this paper readable for a group of eager minds.’
Special thanks to Roch Delanney, Margot Mellet and Louis-Olivier Brassard for introducing me to the right tools during my editing class at UdeM. Thanks for saving us from the PDF abyss!
Open-source technologies used #
- Hugo: framework for building the website
- Hugo Cite: plug-in to manage in-text citations and bibliography of Louis-Olivier Brassard
- Zotero: bibliographic database manager
- Hypothesis: browser extension for social annotation
- Hitchens: Jerkill theme designed by Pat Dryburgh
- GitHub Actions: website deployement
- Voyant Tools: web-based text reading and analysis environment by Stéfan Sinclair and Geoffrey Rockwell